Tech Write For Us | Submit Technology Guest Post

FixOSError is a technology blog specializing in tech How To’s and Operating Systems issues (error codes). However, as a high authority technology blog, we welcome technology guest posts relating to PC games reviews, hardware Reviews, and many other tech topics– check out the listed below.

As expected we get hundreds of bloggers requests and business owners’ inquiries. For that reason, our publishing schedule is slow at times. Yet, there are solutions around that, email us for more information.

If you would like to submit a guest post it must be 1500 words well analyzed, plagiarism-free article. If you would like to feature your brand and cannot write ask us about writing service.

    Sharing your expertise with our audience and engaging with industry professionals around the world is simple. To discuss article ideas send your company name, job title, and examples of previous articles you have written ruben(at)

    Technology Guest Post

    Writing Guidelines

    • 1000 words minimum word articles
    • Submit your article as Word
    • Sub titles are always Heading 3 and in title case
    • Use spacing generously. Paragraphs are separated by an empty line.
    • Use sparingly, don’t use italic or underline.
    • We absolutely accept no copied content or content that is obviously inspired by another article.

    Acceptable Article Topics

    • Holographics & Oleophobic Displays
    • Analytics, Data Science and Growth Hacking
    • Telecommunication, Science and Technology, Managed Services
    • Internet, VPN, Network, Telecom, VOIP, 4G, 5G, LTE, 4G LTE, & VoLTE etc.
    • Blogging Tips & Tricks 
    • WordPress Themes & Plugins
    • Business News & Updates
    • Blogging Tips & Tricks
    • Error Codes
    • SEO, Technical SEO, & SEO Audit Tools
    • Social Media Marketing, Online Marketing Tools
    • Infographics, Case Studies, & Checklists
    • Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), & Mixed Reality (MR) 
    • Email Marketing software 
    • Affiliate Marketing tools 
    • Influencer Marketing software  

    technology + "write for us" + guest post

    • Technology write for us
    • Technology Guest Post write for us
    • Technology guest posting write for us
    • Technology guest blogging write for us
    • tech blog write for us
    • gadgets write for us
    • technology + “write for us” + guest post